Monday, December 22, 2008

me, charming? monday

ok, i know that i cheated on my title a little, but like morethananelectrician says my list. my rules. i know some of y'all are expecting this to be my chippendale post, but first i have to tell you about an AWARD that I WON. (wooohoo!) my buddy the microblogologist (got it right, that time!) has chosen lowly little me for this award:

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

here are my choices to receive this award:

  1. Mrs. 4444
  2. Nature Lovin' Super Momma
  3. Heinous
  4. Seashore Subjects (i know, she just started, but my list. my rules.)
  5. terri
  6. Micki
  7. Unmarried Housewife
  8. Michelle W

now all of you lucky recipients, follow the instructions and share the love (award) with 8 deserving folks


  1. Oh cool! Thanks for the award. I'll try not to be a slacker and pass it forward sometime soon. No guarantees though.

    (Is it really the microBLOGologist? Cuz I have been reading it as microBIologist all this time...)

  2. yeah it really is ...blogologist! lol i'm glad i'm not the only blonde around here, hehe.

  3. Hooray! Thank you very much!! I will happily accept and pass it on, just as soon as you follow my rule posted here:

    For more inspiration, check out Zoesdad's trick here: (scroll to the video at the end of the post.

  4. ok, mrs.4444 i will post a pic of my stupid human trick tomorrow. although i don't think it's very funny, i will do this just for you.

    see if i give you any more awards! lol

  5. You were one of the first people who came to mind when WeaselMomma gave it to me, after I was over the warm fuzzies of getting the award.

    It was a bit of an ego trip being called THE Microbiologist but I am definitely one of many microbiologists and most are way better than I. As I mentioned in reply to your comment on my blog the head shrinkers have determined that we do not read the whole word when we become fluent readers but rather see the first and last letters and our brain fills in the rest. In this case people have heard of microbiologists so their brain sees microbiologist instead of microblogologist. I've been amused by it hence why I haven't tried to correct anyone, hehe (with not at).

  6. i don't mind, cuz terri joined me in blonde-ness, so i'm not the only space cadet!


if you're related to me and you read my blog you BETTER be leaving me a comment, or else! :)